Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Hurricane Michael

My parents, along with nearly every single resident spanning three counties were directly affected by that storm last Wednesday. My folks neighborhood was what you would call a direct hit.. Matt and myself left Birmingham nearly 22 hours after the storm had passed with a stockade of water, gas, chainsaws, and a 4 wheeler in tow to do what we could. I wish I could say that this will be something everyone can bounce back from in a matter of weeks, but the severity of this storm is so extensive that there will be homeless families, more bodies recovered, and some who may see the New Year roll in without power. It is a sad, sad time for my hometown and those affected. Thankfully we free'd my folks of tree's and other hazards and set them up with as much comfort as you can have during a time like this. We also did what we could to check on others that had not yet been contacted in heavily damaged neighborhoods. Hang in there PCB.

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